Steve Larsen
The Growth Coach
“Chase your passion, not your pension.”—Denis Waitley
I recently visited my uncle who is in poor health. He has done countless positive things; been married for more than 60 years, raised great children, owned a small business etc. Being a small business owner and a family leader brings multiple challenges. I wondered what my uncle would do differently if he could rewind life. It reminded me of what sociologist Anthony Campolo shares about a study in which 50 people over the age of 95 were asked one question: “If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?” Three consistent things emerged:
- Reflect more (what’s working and what’s not…and then make changes).
- Risk more
- Do more things that would live on after I’m dead.
Often times people end up wishing they would have done things differently in life. Most of us don’t follow our passions. If we want to be fulfilled in life, we need to rethink what we want to leave behind.
Almost exactly 10 years ago, I had a near death experience. I was in Deadwood, SD at a casino. I slipped at the top of a staircase landing on my head on the concrete about 12’ below. Of course I was unconscious when found laying there. I had suffered a traumatic brain injury. My first prognosis to others was that I may not survive my injury then shifted to potentially having a toddler type mindset moving forward. Three weeks and three hospitals later, the lights figuratively and literally turned back on for me. I was extremely blessed. This was an awakening for me. Life almost ended. Now what’s my passion? Through the help of a trusted friend I was introduced to The Growth Coach process. It helps people slow down, reflect, understand who they are personally and professionally and gain clarity on where they want to go in their journey. It was clear to me that The Growth Coach process was a game changer for everyone that was dedicated to continually making positive changes and wanting to define their passion. My passion is to help others being dominated by their business to instead be dominated by life.
What’s your passion? Is there something that you always wanted to do yet your limiting beliefs stop you from doing it? Have you had the drive to do things that make a positive difference for other people but you’ve ignored it? Have you ever taken the time to define what success means to you? Is it achievable? If so, have you taken time to define your dreams, desires, values, roles, strengths and talents? Have you followed your passion?
Is the most important thing the money you make or the differences you make for others the most important thing? Make others first and joy will follow.
Follow your passion and success will follow you.
Remember the three things from above:
- Reflect more (what’s working and what’s not…and then make changes).
- Risk more
- Do more things that would live on after I’m dead.
Do we make statues of people that did what everybody else did? If we follow our passions the tangibles will come!