“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney
Walt Disney had tremendous struggles in his quest to do great things. He was fired by a newspaper for not being creative enough and went bankrupt with his laugh-o-gram studios venture . His struggles basically left him homeless for a time. Yet he knew where he was and never lost focus of where he knew he was going.
Do you know where you are? Do you often doubt where you are going? Do you know the #1 reason that most people don’t get what they want in life? The #1 reason that most people don’t get what they want in life is that they don’t know what they want in life.
Are you fulfilled?
Do you ever have a feeling of emptiness? Are you making first things first? Are you allowing yourself to be dominated by things that take your focus off of the difference making actions that you should be taking? If so CHANGE! Life is very short. Focus on the actions that make a truly positive impact on your family, your company, your employees, your co-workers, your boss etc.
What are your dreams?
What things do you want to accomplish? You owe it to yourself to slow down, reflect and understand truly where you are, where you want to go and map out exactly how you are going to get there.
Look at your life as concrete and be proactive
Everything that has already happened is now dry concrete. Everything in front of you is wet concrete. How are you going to put your initials into it? Too often we decide that we need to do something to improve our lives and we decide that we are going to get to that right away tomorrow. Then tomorrow becomes next week and next week becomes next month and next month becomes next year and next year becomes ten years and ten years becomes disappointment wondering why we didn’t do the things that we have always known that we needed to do. Are you doing the things that you know you need to do? What are the most important things in your life? Are you taking care of them? Are you taking care of yourself? “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them” What are your dreams? Are you pursuing them? This is not a New Year’s resolution, this is a new YOU resolution.
Look at each of these vital areas in life:
• Family and Friends
• Career
• Play
• Mind
• Spiritual
• Financial
• Health
Now commit to 3 actions in each area to make each of them stronger. Review each area everyday and map out actions for each area week by week and enjoy the success that will follow. Let’s see how Big Ken Sproles followed the Growth Coach of Sioux Falls to guide him.